Field meassurements

Field meassurements

Industrial measurements, Cabot Corp.

The job consisted in the execution of industrial measurements in order to understand the behavior under the thermo-mechanical stresses in the pipeline, during the actual operating conditions of the plant.

The manufacture of Black Smoke, requires circulating combustion gases through a pipe length of 20 meters and diameter 48 “(1200 mm). The walls of the stainless steel duct can reach temperatures close to 600 ° C.

In strategically selected points, thermocouples were placed that recorded the thermal gradients. The duct expansion joint was instrumented with displacement sensors, allowing a measurement of thermal deformations.

During a period of three months, temperature and displacement measurements were continuously measured every 3 seconds. The Acquisition Equipment and the sensors used are the property of TECDESIN.

The work included the analysis, interpretation of the measurements and recommendations and proposals for improvement within the Cabot plant.

Date: March-June 2017

Field meassurements

Field meassurements

Industrial measurements, Cabot Corp.

The job consisted in the execution of industrial measurements in order to understand the behavior under the thermo-mechanical stresses in the pipeline, during the actual operating conditions of the plant.

The manufacture of Black Smoke, requires circulating combustion gases through a pipe length of 20 meters and diameter 48 “(1200 mm). The walls of the stainless steel duct can reach temperatures close to 600 ° C.

In strategically selected points, thermocouples were placed that recorded the thermal gradients. The duct expansion joint was instrumented with displacement sensors, allowing a measurement of thermal deformations.

During a period of three months, temperature and displacement measurements were continuously measured every 3 seconds. The Acquisition Equipment and the sensors used are the property of TECDESIN.

The work included the analysis, interpretation of the measurements and recommendations and proposals for improvement within the Cabot plant.

Date: March-June 2017

Magnetic filters

Magnetic filters

Analysis of the operation of magnetic filters.

Company: Ferrero S.A.

The analysis of the operation of the magnetic filters located on the production line was requested, in order to evaluate opportunities for improvement.

Magnetic filters trap ferromagnetic elements and prevent damage of the components downstream of the production line.

A first approach trought a conceptual theoretical study was carried out to determine the effectiveness of the filters to catch different particle geometries under different process conditions.

The analysis required the development of a numerical model that involves the coupling of magnetic fields and circulating flows within the filter.


design validation of rear underrun protection of trucks

design validation of rear underrun protection of trucks

Analysis of mechanical resistance of underrun protection of trucks.

Client: Metalurgica Belgrano

Regulatory changes allow the maximum load carried by a trailer to be expanded.

The company needed to determine the ability of the underrun protection design to pass the test described in regulation No. 58 (CEPE).

The numerical modeling tools were used as verification support, allowing to computationally test the static load state specified in the regulations.

Project include:

Reproduction of laboratory load test by FEA analysis.

Numerical calculation of stress and strain under elesto-plastic regime.

Design modification in order to increase underrun protection resistance.


Field meassurements

Field meassurements

Provisión de un sistema de resistores para calentar un fluido sometido a muy alta presión

cliente: Tenaris Confab - Brasil.

Determinados productos tubulares son verificados a una temperatura elevada, mientras se le aplica una presión externa.  La norma API5C5, normaliza este tipo de pruebas para los Tubing y Casings utilizados en los pozos de petróleo.

Se trabajó en la modificación de las instalaciones existentes, para poder cumplir con las últimas modificaciones de la Norma: Calentar muestras tubulares a una temperatura de 180°C y con una presión externa de 20.000 psi.

El trabajo demandó una fase de diseño, una fase experimental y la puesta en servicio.

El diseño contempló el desarrollo de resistencias blindadas para soportar grandes presiones.  El ajuste de conectores con sello metal-metal para el pasaje de la alimentación eléctrica.  La confección de un modelo de elementos finitos térmico-fluidodinámico.  El desarrollo de soldaduras especiales.

Durante la fase experimental se ajustaron tolerancias y se delinearon las prácticas operativas.

La puesta en servicio se está llevando adelante en las instalaciones de Confab.
